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A Real World Education in the West – NAU’s Department of Business and Administration

Dr. Alex Steenstra

Alex Steenstra, Ph.D., Chair of NAU’s Department of Business and Administration, analyzes today’s business climate through a regional lens. For example, U.S. – Mexico trade routes are critical to the wellbeing of the economy in the Southwest and Arizona in particular, and Dr. Steenstra notes that the Casa Grande area has especially benefited from an increased focus on logistics and supply chain management. Consequently, NAU business students are in an advantageous position to learn and participate in the Southwest’s business environment.

The Southwest is rich with opportunities for economic growth and with unique conditions for academic inquiry. Dr. Steenstra has studied the private sector in the Southwest, and he has written multiple published articles on the topic: “​The NAU-Yuma Business Innovation Accelerator: Challenges and Opportunities in the Lower Colorado River Region,” “Water Resource Management and Indigenous Peoples: Suggestions for a Multicultural Approach,” and “An Inquiry into the Transferability of Indian Water Rights.” His deep knowledge of what contributes to this region’s unique economy complements what he shares with students in his classes in the NAU-Yuma Campus. He says that he discusses his research in class to give his students a real-life understanding of the concepts they are studying.

Additionally, Business and Administration students can apply what they learn in class to what is happening today. For instance, Dr. Steenstra sees the economy’s response to the pandemic as one area where business principles have practical applications. The economy does well when consumers, business professionals, and investors have incentives to do what benefits them. And now that the economy is so different due to COVID-19, there are new ways that the private sector can flourish and find ways to grow. Dr. Steenstra says, “even in these conditions there are new opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. Those that are responsive to the needs of consumers, given any set of circumstances, will succeed.” This timely lesson can give Business and Administration students something to guide their business practices once they graduate.

NAU Business and Administration students do not benefit from relevant course content alone. Instead, their experiences can also include internships and a study abroad opportunity at CETYS University in Ensenada, Mexico, “an international summer experience with an NAU partner university.” Dr. Steenstra recommends that students go to the department website and reach out to Professor Latham, the internship coordinator, to learn more about internship opportunities. Furthermore, students can look into options to study abroad for a semester or for a full year.

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree at NAU is a two-way street; students gain knowledge, experience, and skills from professors, study abroad opportunities, and internships, but they also contribute to the department as a whole when they bring their personal experiences and backgrounds to the table. Dr. Steenstra says that students “are encouraged to share and build upon [their] unique perspectives and contributions.” And even after students complete their degree, they add to and benefit from the program through alumni associations and through using their education to create a prospering economy in Arizona and elsewhere. Graduates do not stop using what they have learned once they have their diplomas in hand. Instead, Dr. Steenstra says, “They contribute through their employment and by using their knowledge to help build thriving communities throughout Arizona.”

The Department of Business & Administration, NAU-Yuma & Statewide
