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Tips on How to be a Successful Non-Traditional NAU Student

My name is Courtney Maxwell, I am 29 years old, and I am currently a full-time student at NAU. I also have other roles in life. I’m a mother, a wife, an employee, all while being a full-time student. With all these different roles there is one thing I am not, I am not a traditional NAU student and my degree is an online degree. My NAU experience is vastly different than a traditional student who lives on campus and attended college right after high school. My life is busy and stressful at times but I never would have gotten this far if I didn’t adapt and learn some strategies along the way.

There are a couple of tips that I have learned over the years that help me balance it all and keep my sanity. I’m hoping that by sharing these tips they can help someone who may be in a similar situation of juggling a lot of responsibilities at once. Some tips that I have learned that I want to share with you focus on time management, organization, taking time for yourself, and what to do if you feel disconnected from the university.

The first tip I am going to discuss is practicing time management. Before I go to bed every night, I typically have an idea of what tasks I want or need to get done the next day and an idea of what time the next day would be the ideal time to accomplish them. I also prioritize my tasks for the day and decide when I should do my most urgent tasks and when to accomplish the not-so-important tasks. This process can save a lot of time and frustration. It is also important to remember that if tasks don’t go as planned, that’s okay too.

The next tip I learned is to be organized. I typically have a planner for all of the school tasks I have to accomplish and I also have a list of household tasks I need to complete. Everyone has their own way of organizing and you have to find your way of doing it. Planning ahead has helped me as well. I have a toddler and he sometimes gets sick or other times things come up in life that makes it so a homework assignment doesn’t get completed on time. The best way to avoid this is to work ahead or read ahead in classes so that if something does occur, you have a little breathing room.

Another tip is to take time for yourself. It’s important to remember to take breaks, take time for yourself, and do things you enjoy doing. I personally like to relax by playing video games or binge-watching TV shows to relax. Practicing self-care can help you relax and destress so when it’s time to go back to accomplishing your tasks, you are not frustrated.

The last tip I want to share is about feeling disconnected from your university. With my online degree, I don’t have to physically go to campus at all. It’s a feeling of disconnection from NAU, even though I live right across the street from the main NAU campus in Flagstaff. If you’re a non-traditional student like me or attend school online and are feeling disconnected, it may help to pick up some merchandise from the NAU bookstore to help you feel a sense of pride in your school and create a connection. I also follow NAU social media accounts to keep up to date on what’s happening on campus and current events that help me feel more connected. Sometimes I find events I can take part in. The most important thing to remember is that there are going to be some failures along the way, but the best thing you can do is learn from them, adjust your strategies, and keep moving forward until you reach your goals.